Maize Manor United Methodist Church
A new 0.5-mile storybook trail in North Linden aimed at filling the access gap to local parks and greenways.

Grant presentation slides courtesy of the applicant - please note final implemented work may vary from concept graphics presented
Connecting Community Corridor for People, Pollinators, & the Planet (CCC for PPP) / Sunny Glen Garden | Grown in Columbus
North Linden
Project Status
In Development
2023 Grant Recipient
About the Project
Building upon site improvements and a natural gathering place for the community, Nature’s Grace Storybook Trail encourages continued engagement with the natural landscape with a new 0.5 mile trail and art space in North Linden. The trail re-imagines the site into a community amenity and removes gaps in access to other greenways, storybook trails, and parks by activating the 4.5 acre site. Other site improvements include a new archway to greet visitors, benches and seating for resting, and signage to educate neighbors on trees, plants, pollinators, and conservation efforts underway on site.